If you are one of the millions of people worldwide who have been taking glucosamine for joint health, it may be time to reconsider your approach. According to several prominent studies, glucosamine does not offer the benefits the medical community once thought.
The aging population has long been told that glucosamine was a must for easing joint problems and discomfort. In fact, glucosamine has been the number one selling dietary supplement for joint problems since the late 1990’s. New evidence strongly suggests that glucosamine is not the answer. Take a look at the findings from these studies:
Annals of Internal Medicine – The study, performed over the course of two years followed more than 200 patients. All of the subjects in the study were suffering from Osteoarthritis of the hip. Half the people in the study took 1,500 milligrams of glucosamine once a day, while the other half took placebo. The researchers concluded that glucosamine sulfate had no apparent effect on hip Arthritis.
The New England Journal of Medicine – In a 2-year, multicenter study; the dietary supplements glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate performed no better than a placebo in slowing the rate of cartilage loss in Osteoarthris patients.
University of British Columbia/ Arthritis Research Center of Canada – In a study conducted among 137 patients between the ages of 44 and 88, glucosamine showed no long-term beneficial effect for knee joint problems.
What alternatives are available to those who are suffering from problematic joints? Many doctors are now recommending a more natural approach. One popular alternative called “Natural Joint” is dramatically helping those who suffer from joint problems. This unique blend of 37 natural ingredients is based on the traditional elements of the Greek diet and was developed to offer a safe, healthy solution to individuals who suffer from joint difficulties.
The product works by using a proprietary, traditional Greek blend of some of the most nutrient and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to give the body everything it needs to support naturally healthy joints. Some of the key ingredients include cherry which according to a study by Oregon Health and Science University in the United States, can help to reduce inflammation and pomegranate, which has been shown by scientists at Case Western Reserve University to have a positive impact on human cartilage cells.
Two recently completed clinical studies conducted by AMA Laboratories have shown that Natural Joint could provide hope for some of the millions of people suffering from joint problems and discomfort.
Natural Joint’s clinical study offered strong evidence of fast and effective relief without the use of glucosamine, chondroitin, or cox-2 inhibitors.
The product was put to the test by participating in Independent IRB Approval Trials. The trials were conducted by one of the most well-known FDA registered labs within the industry and the results all favored Natural Joint when compared to other studies involving popular products containing glucosamine and chondroitin.
The study concluded that when used as instructed, Natural Joint delivered a 51% reduction in reported joint problems by participants after just 5 days of use. In a second study focusing on long-term use of Natural Joint, flexibility and mobility increased by 76.92%.
Board Certified M.D., Dr. Mark Binette of the Age Management Medical Group spoke out in favor of Natural Joint by stating that he has personally observed patients experience relief, increased flexibility, and improved mobility, as a result of using the all-natural product.
More information including detailed clinical study reports, celebrity fan photos, and a list of ingredients can be found at: www.NaturalJoint.org.